ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH • Südstraße 1 • 66701 Beckingen • Germany

PiCoInspect – Pipe-Corrosion-Inspection-System

In industrial plants, pipelines with different diameters are mainly used. Most of them are partially hidden in the ground without special corrosion protection. The area at the lower tip of the pipe which is inaccessible or difficult to access for tests is exposed to corrosion and should be inspected at regular intervals.

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ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH

ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH
Südstraße 1
66701 Beckingen
Fon: +49 (0) 68 35 / 40 96
Fax: +49 (0) 68 35 / 6 88 11