ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH • Südstraße 1 • 66701 Beckingen • Germany

Solutions + Products

This is the area where maximum stress is exerted, as it is exposed to many factors such as road salt, electrical leakage currents and aggressive ground conditions. Any corrosion that may have occurred is not visible to the naked eye at this point. Our LIMAtest

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Forget about outdated cadastral maps and confusing Excel tables: Thanks to the LimaDATA database, you can finally do away with all your tedious mast management work. We will efficiently assess all your masts for you and provide you with the relevant informatio

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Wherever wooden masts are used, a high level of safety is required. This is why wooden masts have to undergo stability tests time and time again. The damage is often not visible to the naked eye because it is hidden inside. Weak points occur around the grou

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Static Calculation and Documentation
We don’t only provide electromagnetic ultrasonic testing. We provide a static calculation for each mast. The following parameters and others are recorded: Shape of mast Material Wind speed Extensions The operational safety of the mast is.

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In the chemical industry in particular, pipelines are subject to extreme conditions due to high pressures, high temperatures and the nature of the media. For this reason, maintaining these pipeline systems is a major, but also complicated task for the opera

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In the transport infrastructure, prestressed concrete masts have been used extensively for decades for overhead lines for railways and trams. Due to the combination of static and dynamic loads with a partially corrosive chemical environment, ferromagnetic p

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In order to ensure maximum safety in regard to your pipelines, it is essential to regularly check the progress of corrosion. A malfunction can lead to production downtime or cause considerable damage to the environment, property or people. It is difficult to d

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ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH

ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH
Südstraße 1
66701 Beckingen
Fon: +49 (0) 68 35 / 40 96
Fax: +49 (0) 68 35 / 6 88 11