ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH • Südstraße 1 • 66701 Beckingen • Germany
This is a problem that is often underestimated.Both the VDE as well as accident prevention regulations specify that electrical systems, Floodlight Mast TestingBut what about their stability? Owners of masts are obliged to establish whether they comply with the required protective and safety measures, i.e. that they are stable, since they are usually accessible to the general public.
ZWP Anlagenrevision provides these types of inspections using the innovative LIMAtest testing system.
HOMAtest - Drilling resistance method for testing wooden mastsIt is not rare to find floodlight masts made out of wood. Here it is particularly important to carry out regular safety checks as a natural degradation process takes place over time and is not immediately apparent. The wood starts to rot. HOMAtest is a testing method based on the principle of measuring the drilling resistance. A drilling needle is inserted into the wood at a constant speed. The energy required for this provides information on the structures, internal damage or the residual wall thickness of the wood. The data can be collected electronically and transferred to a PC using software. Downloads