ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH • Südstraße 1 • 66701 Beckingen • Germany
Non-destructive testing of lighting masts.

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Non-destructive electromagnetic ultrasonic testing

Our service ensures better safety!

A new mast poses little danger as it has been manufactured on the basis of suitable static calculations and installed in line with its purpose. However, since masts are designed to be used for a very long period of time and all materials are subject to corrosion, their vulnerable area shifts to the mast region that is most intensively exposed to corrosion. Long-term analyses have shown that this is the area around the ground.

corrosion measurement with electromagnetic ultrasonic waves
digital acquisition of all measured data
data transfer to the 4D software
evaluation and documentation


This is the area where maximum stress is exerted, as it is exposed to many factors such as road salt, electrical leakage currents and aggressive ground conditions. Any corrosion that may have occurred is not visible to the naked eye at this point. Our LIMAtest testing system that we developed in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute IZfP in Saarbrücken works with electromagnetic ultrasound. In contrast to conventional ultrasonic wall thickness measurement, where measurement is only possible directly under the test probe, the ultrasonic wave measures the entire cross-section and extends over a larger distance.


In the case of lighting masts, it does this along the lighting mast pipe. It sends a profile about the material thickness and its weak points (corrosion). This is made possible by arranging the probes developed especially for this purpose. In regard to the field of stability, we were able to partner up with the University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

They developed the EDUSTA software. The software calculates the mast statics on the basis of the applicable standards and test results. Within this period of time, there is no need for a review.

Requirements for the testing system
  • The testing method has been accredited as non-destructive according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
  • The mast is not damaged and is not exposed to mechanical stress
  • The test method is recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation ILAC
  • Our employees meet the requirements of DIN EN 473 and ASNT
Service provision
  • Computer-assisted monitoring and evaluation of the testing process by means of ongoing monitoring
  • Compiling all the important mast information for determining the stability with regard to the new standards DIN 1055 Part 4, EN 40, DIN 4131, Eurocodes
  • Recording of mast data including mast circumference, mast door height and height of luminous source
  • Measurement of the actual wall thickness
  • Record of signs and other attachments
  • Ultrasonic testing using EMUS (electromagnetic ultrasonic) technology in the area of the ground and below
Maintenance of data and deduction of recommendations for action

The test data and results are archived and can be accessed at any time. The data is monitored on a regular basis.
The test report refers to defects and damage such as faulty mast doors or corrosion, and recommendations for action are made in consultation.

Product liability

The test certificate establishes product liability for measurement errors and all resulting damage.
ZWP is not liable if the mast:

  • is relocated,
  • statically burdened by attachments or otherwise,,
  • damaged by third parties,
  • collapses as a result of increased climatic changes (storms, hail, etc.)

ZWP fully guarantees test results which are legally usable. Upon request, corresponding liability insurance can be presented.

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ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH

ZWP Anlagenrevision GmbH
Südstraße 1
66701 Beckingen
Fon: +49 (0) 68 35 / 40 96
Fax: +49 (0) 68 35 / 6 88 11